End Time Message
Tabernacle, Ijebu-Ode

The Serpent's Seed

A few facts about the Serpent Seed.

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The Trinity

A summary on the Trinity

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Water Baptism

Facts about the Water Baptism

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Yes, we firmly believe that the same Jesus Christ who performed miracles two-thousand years ago is able to do the same today. Please fill out the form below if you would like us to join you in prayer. We ask that you send us your testimony when the Lord answers.

And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony

Revelation 12:11

The End time Message Tabernacle is located at 10, Jonwo Street, Via Oke Igbala Isale, Otta Street, Ijebu Ode.
We are not a denomination and we have no governing system. We believe in everything the word of God states. We believe in One Body, One Baptism, One God
When is your Sunday worship and prayer service?
Our Sunday worship and prayer service is held every Sunday at 9am.

Monday: 6:00pm Teaching Service

2. When is your Q&A session?
Our Q&A session is held every Wednesday at 6pm.

3. When is your revival prayer session?
Our revival prayer session is held every Friday at 6pm.

4. How often do you have a 4-day revival?
We have a 4-day revival every first Thursday to Sunday of every month.

  • End Time Message Tabernacle, Ijebu-Ode, Ogun State, Nigeria